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Writer's pictureNora Carr

Visual Research + Design Comps

Design comps for the ‘About Page’ of the app.

Due to the fact that Ability Media Group already has a website, I wanted to make sure that this app was an extension rather than a separate entity. This is why I used the same colors used within the website for some of my design comps. When I was first gathering user research for the website, one thing that kept coming up was that users found the website easy to read. However, when it came to the featured articles the placement could have been improved so that the user doesn’t have to scroll as much to see them. This was just one of the improvements I wanted to incorporate into my comps and app itself. In addition, I also noticed that the layout of the videos could have been improved. When creating a comp of the screen I made sure that the layout of the videos was not only uniform but multiple titles could be viewed as well. It is a good idea to eliminate excess scrolling because it helps to improve usability. Who wants to scroll within an app unnecessarily?

My visual research started by looking at examples of UI not only strengthen my own understanding but to also gain inspiration. Because there are so many apps that are being created and are already out there, I was able to find certain elements that I thought might work well for the Ability Media app. Some of these elements included how a certain page was designed or how multiple articles or videos were displayed on the screen. This ties in with identifying certain components. Smashing Magazine labels some of the components as typography, images / media, and forms. Since this app is for a media group, headings, subheadings, other text elements, and images would make up the majority of the app. In an article featured on the UX Collective “design patterns are known as standard reference points, guides, templates that designers might use to solve a particular problem when designing a website or mobile app, so you do not have to reinvent the wheel every single time trying to solve a particular design problem.” One does not have to start from scratch but can still pick and choose what they want to include. In the same article, it also states that “Recreating / copying design that is currently beyond your current level would help you to move outside your comfort zone…” By doing this you are not only adding to your design but also broadening and expanding your design skills. Knowledge and learning is sometimes best obtained by doing or experiencing something first hand. This is a great example of that.

The Ability Media app will also feature a ‘Resource Page’ where the user can learn more about other organizations and initiatives. Currently the website does not have a description and as a user I wanted to know the background information of each organization before I clicked on the link to their website. This was also an issue I came across with other users as they also were not familiar with every listed resource.

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